Trebor Developments and partner, Hillwood, with landowner Church Commissioners for England, have agreed terms to develop the 127 acre Red Brick Farm site in Peterborough, which will be promoted as “Flagship Park”.
Outline planning approval consent has now been granted, which will lead to infrastructure and Phase One works commencing on site in summer 2021, to deliver a wide range of industrial
accommodation (B1/B2/B8), from 20,000 sq ft to over 650,000 sq ft, delivered either in speculative phases or pre-let/sales phases to meet occupiers’ specific requirements. Terms have been agreed for the first major transaction.
Bob Tattrie, Managing Partner for Trebor, on behalf of Trebor/Hillwood commented, “This major new site is exciting and will provide the opportunity to deliver a wide range of quality industrial units in the Peterborough region. The partnership with the Church Commissioners for England was completed during the lockdown period and again, illustrates our ability to do deals despite the difficult UK circumstances.
Joanna Loxton, Head of Strategic Land for the Church Commissioners for England, added: “We are pleased to support the delivery of Flagship Park which will bring new opportunities, investment and jobs to the city of Peterborough. This scheme is the result of collaboration with several parties and we are thrilled with the offering we have achieved together.”
Trebor and Hillwood are represented by Savills (Peterborough office) and Bidwells. Church Commissioners for England are represented by Savills London. Marketing of the site has now